Vlaamse Vereniging voor Entomologie
Flemish Entomological Society

Bibliotheek – boeken

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Bibliotheek – Boeken [terug naar tijdschriften]

Overzicht van de boeken aanwezig in de bibliotheek van de Vlaamse Vereniging voor Entomologie, toestand juni 2022 (zeer onvolledige lijst – wordt aan gewerkt).
Deze boeken zijn te raadplegen tijdens de vergaderingen van de V.V.E. als die doorgaan in het verenigingslokaal.
Wie fouten ziet of verbeteringen/aanvullingen heeft gelieve die door te sturen naar de bibliothecaris.

Auber L. 1951. Atlas des Coléoptères de France I Carabes, Staphylins, Dytiques, Scarabées.

Auber L. 1953. Atlas des Coléoptères de France II Ténébrions, Buprestes, Lampyres, Coccinelles, Taupins, Longicornes.

Aukema B. & Rieger C. (eds.) 2006. Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region Volume 5 Pentatomorpha II.

Baaijens A.C., Jol J. & Wagenaar H. (Eds.) 2003. Dagvlinders in Zeeland.

Baldizzone G. 2019. Fauna d'Italia – Coleophoridae.

Berland L. 1947. Atlas des Hyménoptères de France, Belgique, Suisse. I. Tenthrèdes, Parasites.

Boer P., J. Noordijk & A.J. van Loon 2018. Ecologische atlas van Nederlanse mieren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).

Bot S & Van de Meuter F. 2019. Veldgids zweefvliegen.

Bradley J.D., Tremewan W.G. & Smith A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths. Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae.

Bradley J.D., Tremewan W.G. & Smith A. 1979. British Tortricoid Moths. Tortricidae: Olethreutinae.

British Entomological & Natural History Society 1978. Illustrated Papers on British Microlepidoptera.

Colas G. 1944. Petit Atlas des Insectes I Hémiptères, Anoploures, Aphaniptères, Névroptères, Diptères.

Colas G. 1944. Petit Atlas des Insectes II Orthoptères, Hyménoptères, Arachnides, Myriapodes, Thysanoures, Collemboles.

Danzig E.M. 1993. Scale insects (Coccinea) Families Phoenicococcidae and Diaspididae. Fauna of USSR Rhynchota Volume X.

Falk S. 2015. Veldgids Bijen voor Nederland en Vlaanderen.

Gurjeva E.L. 1989. Click-beetles (Elateridae) Subfamily Athoinae Tribe Ctenicerini. Fauna of USSR Coleoptera Volume XII, number 3.

Haubreux D., Mézière S., Dhellemmes T. & Quevillart R. 2017. Atlas des Papillons "de jour" - Pas-de-Calais. 2000–2014. Lépidoptères Papilonoidea du Nord.

Hochkirch A., Nieto A., Criado M. G. et al2016. European Red List of Grasshoppers, Crickets and Bush-crickets.

Howarth T. G. 1974. South's British Butterflies.

Jeannel R. 1946. Introduction à l'Entomologie II Biologie.

Klausnitzer B., Klausnitzer U., Wachmann E. & Hromádko Z. 2015. Die Bockkäfer Mitteleuropas. Band 1 + 2.

Kluge N.J. 1995. A catalogue of the type-specimens in the collection of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Insecta, Ephemoptera.

Krivokhatsky V.A. 1995. A catalogue of the type-specimens in the collection of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Insecta, Neuroptera.

Kurentzov A. I. 1970. The butterflies of the far east USSR.

Kuznetzov V.I. & Baryshnikova S.V. 1998. Brief catalogue of the mining moths of the fam. Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) of Russia and Adjacent countries. Russian Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the Zoological Institute Vol. 274.

Larsen T. B. 1974. Butterflies of Lebanon.

Leraut P. 2016. Butterflies of Europe and neighbouring regions.

Leraut P. 2019. Moths of Europe. Volume 5, Noctuids 1.

Leraut P. 2019. Moths of Europe. Volume 6, Noctuids 2.

Lvovsky A.L. 2002. The broad-winged moths (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae sensu lato) of the Palaearctic: systematics, distribution and biology. Meetings in memory of N. A. Cholodkovsky 55(2).

Lvovsky A.L. 2006. Check-list of the broad-winged and flat moths (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae, Chimabachidae, Amphisbatidae, Depressariidae) of the fauna of Russia and adjacent countries. Russian Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg.

Metcalfe C.L. & Flint W.P. 1939. Destructive and Useful Insects. Their Habits and Control.

Müller B. et al. 2019. The Geometrid Moths of Europe, Volume 6, Ennominae II.

Nieto A., Roberts S. P. M., Kemp J. et al. 2014. European Red List of Bees.

Pauly A. 2019. Faune de Belgique. Abeilles de Belgique, Halictidae.

Pierce F. N. 1967. The Genitalia of The Group Noctuidae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands. An account of the morphology of the male clasping organs.

Ponomarenko M.G. 2005. Gelechiid moths of the Palaearctics: functional morphology of the male genitalia, phylogeny and taxonomy (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).

Rheinheimer J. & M. Hassler 2013. Die Rüsselkäfer Baden-Württembergs.

Rheinheimer J. & M. Hassler 2018. Die Blattkäfer Baden-Württembergs.

Richter V.A. & Kuznetsov S.Yu. 2007. A catalogue of the type-specimens in the collection of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Dipterous insects (Diptera). No. 6 Family Syrphidae, 1. Species-group taxa described by A.A. Stackelberg.

Riley A.M. & Prior G. 2003. British and Irish Pug Moths. A guide to their identification and biology.

Schaufuss C. 1916. Calwer's Käferbuch. Einführung in die Kenntnis der Käfer Europas. Band I.

Schaufuss C. 1916. Calwer's Käferbuch. Einführung in die Kenntnis der Käfer Europas. Band II.

Sinev S.Yu. 2002. World catalogue of Cosmopterigid moths (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterigidae).

Ter-minasyan M.E. 1988. The weevils of the subfamily Cleoninae of the fauna of the USSR. Roots weevils (Tribus Cleonini) [Russisch].

Trautner J. (Ed.) 2017. Die Laufkäfer Baden-Württembergs Band 1 + 2.

Verity R. 1940–1953. Le farfalle diurne d'Italia. Volumes 1–5.

Viette P. 1990. Faune de Madagascar. Supplément 1 Liste récapitulative des Lépidopères Hétérocères de Madagascar.

Zaitsev V.F. 1966. Parasitic Flies of the family Bombyliidae (Diptera) in the Fauna of Transcaucasia (Moscow, Leningrad, 1966) (Keys to the Fauna of the USSR, No. 92) [Russisch].




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