Logo Phegea Butterflies in the Benelux
Frits Bink & Rosita Moenen 2015

Based on: Dagvlinders in de Benelux 2013
Revised and extended
Edited by Sylvain Cuvelier & Peter Russell

Vlaamse Vereniging voor Entomologie
VVE Werkgroep Dagvlinders

Flemish Entomological Society
VVE Workgroup Butterflies

Home V.V.E. | Dagvlinders | Synopsis | Acknowledgements | Content | General Chapters | Monographs | Appendices | Additions | Sources | Index |

Appendix 4. Matrix climate windows
Climate window in days per year, calculated for the period warmer than average 10°C.
y-axis average temperature warmth month, x-axis yearly amplitude
Row 182 diagonal corresponds with climate window of a half year.
Row 364 diagonal corresponds with climate window of a whole year open.

Contact Werkgroep Dagvlinders: Jurgen Couckuyt